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On Persecution and Protection

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning from Jesus how and why not to fear the enemies of the Gospel.

Text: Luke 13:31-33
Date: 03/17/2024, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 142

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While Jesus is teaching and preaching on His way to Jerusalem, a group of Pharisees warns Him that Herod Antipas intends to kill Him. We will question both the motives of the Pharisees and why Herod would want to kill Jesus at this time. But most importantly we will observe Jesus' defiant answer. And in that response, we will learn how and why Jesus fears no harm from anyone as long as His God-ordained purpose has not yet been accomplished. We will use a dizzying array of biblical imagery from Luke and the book of Revelation to make the point that the inevitable persecution of the church by the enemies of the Gospel is a reality that we as Christians must expect. But we should ultimately rest in the promise of our Lord that regardless of its perceived power, the gates of Hell will never prevail against the Gospel, or the church that He has sovereignly ordained to profess it.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 13:31-33.
A. Context
1. Imagery from the Revelation, Rev. 6,12-14.
2. Imagery from the Narrow Door, Luke 13:22-30.
3. Imagery from the Cosmic Initiative, Rev. 12:7.
B. A study on persecution and protection.
1. The warning of the Pharisees, vs. 31.
a. A questionable favor, vs. 31a.
i. Setting the scene, Luke 13:23,28,30.
ii. Identifying the Pharisees, Luke 12:1.
iii. Considering the reasons.
1) Herod was not an ally.
2) Greater control in Judea.
3) A need for immediate action.
b. Herod's animosity, vs. 31b.
i. The reason for the warning.
ii. Identifying Herod.
1) Herod Antipas.
2) A man of low character.
c. The purpose of the warning, Luke 9:7, Mark 6:20.
d. The Kingdom perspective, John 11:8,16.
2. Jesus' defiant response, vs. 32-33a.
a. The message to Herod, vs. 32.
i. Expecting collusion.
ii. A contemptuous reference.
iii. The Hebraic colloquialism.
iv. "Business" as usual.
1) The futility of persecution.
2) Protection until the task is done, John 4:34, 5:30, 6:38, 1John 3:8.
3) The spiritual war.
v. Jesus' teleological purpose.
b. The Providence of God, vs. 33a, John 10:30, 14:9.
3. The apostasy of Jerusalem, vs. 33b.
a. Where prophets go to die, Jer. 26:20,23; 2Kings 21:16; Heb. 11:37; Luke 11:49-51.
b. Jesus' teleological destination, John 2:19.
III. Application
A. The focus of history.
B. The lesson from the text, Rev. 22:14-15, John 16:33.
IV. Conclusion, Luke 12:31,32; Josh. 1:5.

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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