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Paul's Kindred Spirit

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning from the attributes and virtues of godly men like Timothy.

Text: Phil. 2:19-24
Date: 06/16/2024, the Evening service.
Series: "Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship" Part 17

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What is the greatest problem the church faces today? High on the list would be a dearth of godly leaders and congregants sold out for the cause of Christ. One of the reasons I think this is true is because passages like the one before us are not taken seriously. While telling the Philippians why he wants to send Timothy to them, Paul articulates several of the fine attributes of perhaps his closest disciple-- Timothy of Lystra. In these few verses, Paul shows his confidence that Timothy would care for the church in Philippi in the same way he would himself if he were there. Rather than simply reading over paragraphs like this, the serious Bible student should pay close attention when such attributes and virtues are expounded because they are presented to us as models to follow. Ultimately the goal of Christian living is to become kindred spirits with those like Paul and Timothy who are fellow kindred spirits with Christ.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Phil. 2:19-24.
A. Context
B. Timothy, the proven servant.
1. Sending Timothy for an odd reason, vs. 19.
a. Introducing Timothy, 2Tim. 1:5.
b. An unusual reason.
2. Extolling the virtues of Timothy, vs. 20-22.
a. No one like him, vs. 20a.
b. Genuinely concerned, vs. 20b.
c. Seeks the interests of Christ, vs. 21.
i. Probing for the identity of "they all", Phil. 1:17.
ii. An essential attribute for the church, Phil. 1:21.
d. Proven worth, vs. 22a.
e. Serves with Paul as a son, vs 22.
3. A closing travel log, vs. 23-24.
III. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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