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The Every-Day Apostler

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning from the example of Epaphroditus the value of being an every-day saint.

Text: Phil. 2:25-30
Date: 07/07/2024, the Evening service.
Series: "Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship" Part 18

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In our text for this evening, Paul explains to the church at Philippi why he is sending Epaphroditus back to them. We will quickly realize that this, like the preceding paragraph about Timothy is far from a utilitarian explanation of a return trip, But rather, Paul is taking the opportunity to introduce and partially describe one of the most important people in any church in any age-- the every-day apostler. We will explain what this means and recognize that Epaphroditus is an exemplary figure in any church. Yes, it is important to emulate Christ and the biblical figures like Paul, Peter and John. But what the church needs is "sent ones" who are special in that the are not special-- but rather faithful, godly, devoted, every-day apostlers.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Phil. 2:25-30.
A. Context, Phil. 1:27.
B. Learning from an every-day apostler.
1. Sending Epaphroditus, vs. 25.
a. Introducing Epaphroditus.
b. Traits of a powerful layman.
i. In relationship to Paul.
1) My brother, Rom. 8:16-17; John 1:11-13.
2) My fellow worker.
3) My fellow soldier, Eph. 6:12-13; Rev. 12:17; 2Tim. 2:3-4.
ii. In relationship to Philippi.
1) Your messenger, Phil. 4:18.
2) Your minister.
2. Why Paul was sending him home, 26-28.
a. Concerned for the concern of the church, vs. 26, Matt. 26:37.
b. Sick unto death, vs. 27a.
i. The nature of the illness.
ii. Healed by the mercy of God, Rom. 6:23.
c. For Paul's peace of mind, vs. 27b-28, Phil. 1:21.
3. How he should be received, vs. 29-30.
a. The importance of godly men and women, vs. 29.
b. A servant of Christ, vs. 30.
III. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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