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Increasing "Ordinary" Faith

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning the essential distinction between "ordinary" and "extraordinary" faith.

Text: Luke 17:5-6
Date: 08/25/2024, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 162

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In the midst of a passage designed to instruct His apostles on how best to shepherd His flock when He is gone-- the twelve ask Jesus to increase their faith. Jesus responds with a short but poignant proverb on the power to be found in even the smallest amount of true faith. But the word "faith" is confusing at best because there are so many uses and misuses of the word that we hardly know what to think of what Jesus says. Are we really to believe that any Christian can perform such miracles if they are able to conjure up enough faith to do so? To answer that question, we will explore the difference between what we will call "ordinary" faith and "extraordinary" faith-- and how the latter comes only through the sovereign decree of God. Ultimately we will realize that none of the true faith that comes from God is "ordinary", but in the context of the comparison our goal as Christians should be to ask God daily to: "Increase our 'ordinary' faith"!

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 17:5-6.
A. Context
1. A disputed context.
2. The dangers of "transplanted Scripture", Matt. 17:20.
B. Probing the meaning of the proverb.
1. The apostles' request, vs. 5.
a. The source of the request.
i. Distinct from "disciples", Luke 6:13,17, 9:1,2,10, 10:1; John 6:66.
ii. Specifically the "twelve", Luke 9:54.
iii. Noticing the Sender.
b. The nature of the request.
i. Realizing the centrality of faith.
ii. The reason for the request, Luke 17:4.
iii. Realizing their humanity.
2. The proverb on faith, vs. 6.
a. Looking at the words.
i. A grain of mustard seed, Luke 13:19.
ii. The mulberry tree.
iii. Planted in the ocean.
iv. When the trees obey, Luke 8:22-25.
b. Defining "faith".
i. Noting the condition.
ii. What faith is NOT.
iii. The type of faith.
1) Ordinary faith, 2Tim. 1:12; Heb. 11:6.
a) "Saving" faith, John 3:36; Eph. 2:8; Luke 5:20; Acts 10:43; Phil. 3:9; Gen. 15:6.
b) Sanctifying faith, 2Th. 1:3; James 1:3; 1Pet. 1:7; 1Chr. 29:17.
2) Extraordinary faith, 1Cor. 12:4-11.
c. Understanding extraordinary faith.
i. Defining "extraordinary faith", Acts 5:15.
ii. Examples in the early church, Acts 3:4-6, 6:8, 8:13, 15:12.
iii. The concept of "cessationism".
III. Application
A. A question of merit.
1. How does one acquire extraordinary faith?
2. The question in a Scriptural context, Rom. 4:3.
B. How does this apply to me?
1. Forgiveness is hard.
2. Asking for sanctifying faith, Phil. 2:12.
3. Forget about extraordinary faith.
4. More faith is to be found "in Christ".
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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