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When the Prize is "In Christ"

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Striving with all our heart for a goal and a prize and a life, both now and forever, that are "in Christ".

Text: Phil. 3:13-14
Date: 09/15/2024, the Evening service.
Series: "Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship" Part 23

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Paul continues to use himself as an example to the church in Philippi of how to run the Christian "race". He re-affirms what he made clear in the previous verse-- that he has not yet "apprehended" that for which he was "apprehended", meaning that he has not reached perfection. And therefore, he continues to strive with all his strength, through the many hurdles and obstacles in the Christian life, pressing ever-onward towards the finish line and the prize to be obtained there. But the great prize he strives for is not a material prize but the perfection that can only be found "in Christ". We will analyze his model of running the race, which is more like a lone "steeple chase" than a typical footrace. Ultimately we will realize that the progress, the finish, the goal, the calling and the prize are all to be found "in Christ".

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Phil. 3:13-14.
A. Context, Phil. 3:12.
B. Straining to be "in Christ Jesus".
1. Pressing ever onward, vs. 13.
a. Falling ever short of perfection.
i. A personal appeal.
ii. Another statement of humility.
1) Revisiting the word "apprehend", Phil. 3:12.
2) Opposing the teaching of the Judaizers.
3) A compelling example.
iii. Getting to the main purpose.
b. Looking ahead and not behind.
i. Narrowing his focus.
ii. Focusing on his goals.
1) Not looking behind.
a) Carrying the sins of the past.
b) Dwelling in the joys of the past.
2) Straining forward.
a) The Christian objective of progress.
b) The nature of the prize.
2. The glory of the "upward calling", vs. 14.
a. Considering the prize, Luke 6:23; 1Cor. 3:12-15; 1John 3:2; 2Time. 4:7-8.
b. To be found "in Christ".
i. The ultimate goal.
ii. The ultimate prize.
III. Conclusion, Rom. 7:24-25.

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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