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The Dew From The Lord

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning to live as the Dew from the Lord-- bringing life and blessing to the desert!

Text: Micah 5:7-9
Date: 10/20/2024, the Combined service.
Series: "Your Word is Truth"

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When the Lord spoke through Micah the prophet, the future was bleak for the people of God. First the Assyrians would conquer and disperse the northern kingdom of Israel and later the Babylonians would destroy and exile the southern kingdom of Judea. The people of God would be scattered across the known world. And yet, even in the midst of this tragedy and suffering Micah saw the grace and Providence of God at work. For the scattering of the faithful throughout the pagan lands was like sending drops of dew and rain to the desert. We will study this deeply Messianic prophecy and realize that the principles Micah is seeing are still in place today and should therefore dramatically impact the way we see ourselves-- both individually as Christians and corporately as the church. Rather than a dwindling number of insignificant believers, Micah tells us that we are the very dew and rain of the Lord, put where we are for a purpose-- to be salt and light in our communities no matter how bleak the spiritual landscape. Ultimately we will be challenged to live our lives as the Dew from the Lord-- bringing God's blessing to the spiritual desert around us!

View:  Options: 

I. Introduction, Gen. 18:22-32; Isa. 43:4; Psa. 116:15; 1Pet. 2:4; 2Pet. 2:7-8.
II. Exposition of the text, Micah 5:7-9.
A. Context
1. Days of judgment and Providence, 2Kings 15:34, 16:2-3.
2. Preparation for the Messiah, Mic 5:2,4,5.
B. The significance of the remnant.
1. The dew from the Lord, vs. 7.
a. A scattered remnant.
i. When the Messiah comes, Mic. 5:2, 4:9.
ii. The remnant of Jacob.
1) Speaking of Israel and Judah.
2) Speaking of the church, Rom. 11:17-18.
iii. The dispersion.
1) Looking at the words, Psa. 22:6.
2) Images of judgment and Providential blessing, Mic. 4:11-12; Acts 2:9-11.
b. The presence of God's people.
i. The metaphor of "dew from the Lord".
1) Understanding "dew", Judg. 6:38; Song 5:2.
2) A symbol of God's blessing, Gen. 27:28; Deut. 32:2, 33:13; Psa. 133:1,3; Job 29:19.
3) As a symbol of stealth, 2Sam. 17:12; Luke 13:21.
ii. The metaphor of "rain", Deut. 32:2; 1Kings 17:1.
c. The Lord's sovereign "doing", Job 38:28; Prov. 3:20; 1Kings 19:18.
d. The far-reaching meaning.
i. The scattering of the faithful.
ii. Of synagogues and "God fearers".
iii. The "seeds" of Pentecost.
iv. Exponential growth.
v. God's blessing in a spiritual wasteland.
2. A lion in the flock, vs. 8-9.
III. Application
A. Learning to live as the Dew of Christ.
B. Salt and Light, Matt. 5:13-16.
C. Let the church be the church!
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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